To perform any task, the body has many parts that work together in groups of organs and tissues called systems.
Each system is in charge of a function, such as breathing or digestion. Most of the time your brain and spinal cord and the nerves that come out of your spine are the main coordinators. The body’s systems are always communicating and giving each other instructions.
Systems are communities of body parts with a single function. However some body parts have more than one job. The Pancreas (an organ located in the abdomen, converts the food we eat into fuel for your body cells and helps regulate blood sugar) is part of the digestive system because it pipes digestive juices into the gut. It also acts as part of the endocrine system since it releases hormones (chemicals) into the bloodstream.
The lungs bring air into the contact with blood vessels so that oxygen and carbon dioxide can be exchanged.
The system of Glands secrets (releases) hormones which are the body’s messengers sending information to other body systems.
Your stomach and intestines are part of the digestive system which turns food into nutrients needed by the body.
Your kidneys are part of your Urinary system which filter blood to remove unwanted substances which are stored in the bladder and expelled as urine.
Your brain receives information from the eyes, the inner ear and the nerves located all over the body from which it directs actions to maintain balance, body position, blood pressure and a million other functions. And all of it via your nervous system, which is in constant communication with your brain. Or so it should be.
If there is any pressure on the nerves or the vertebrae or the muscles then that vital communication breaks down and this can cause difficulty for the body.
- Take a walk each day and notice the trees and flowers and become interested in the mundane for a half an hour each day.
- Check in with yourself each morning and see how you are doing. As you would to a friend, be a good friend to yourself and allow yourself to ease into the day especially if you are off colour.
- Come to Get Back Health this week and get your spine adjusted so that you have the best chance of vitality and health.
Yours in Health
John Keane, Spinologist