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The Spark Plug! How Well Does your Car Engine Run?

photo of a car engineYour body is a carbon-oxygen motor engine. Basically, the body is a low heat engine that runs on a carbon-oxygen system. It runs at a temperature of 98.6 degrees and the combustion (def: to burn, a chemical reaction between substances usually including oxygen) that takes place makes it possible for your muscles to move and your internal organs to operate. There is energy being released into your muscles and internal organs.

So why is it that oftentimes, your internal organs and muscles don’t get this energy?
Your heart has palpitations, your blood pressure is too high or too low. Your liver won’t detox. Your kidneys get infected. Your bladder leaks. Your muscles spasm and get weak.

Yet you still eat good food. You put energy into your body and yet there is a disconnect between your organs and muscles and vertebrae discs, (the spongy rubbery pads between the vertebrae) and this energy you consume via food. And this goes on for years in many cases. You eat good food, being careful to eat only the best but it doesn’t always translate to your body.

Some call it wear and tear, some call it old age/middle age and some call it the stresses of modern life.

So What is Really Going On?

If we compare your body to a motor car, both are essentially engines and for a motor car to run faster you need to feed the engine with more fuel. You can’t just go through the motions of driving fast without stepping on the accelerator.

So how do you step on the accelerator of the human body?

The answer is the spark plug is the accelerator of the human body. And the spark plug of the human body is the Endocrine system (endo means inside and crine means to separate or secrete). Secrete means to discharge, to generate or release. So putting the whole concept together, the word Endocrine means to release, discharge inside the cells of the human body.

The endocrine system releases the chemicals or hormones, (chemical substances that act as messengers in the body) as directed by a part of your brain. The brain is constantly monitoring stimuli outside the body via the senses such as hearing and touching etc. and inside the body such as blood pressure etc. This information is processed by the brain and much of its direction goes through the endocrine system by creating hormones/messengers and via the blood, they go around the body to organs and muscles where they help to control how the cells and organs do their work. So here is the secret these messengers permit a great deal more fuel to be burned by the body. Now the fuel is right there, you do eat every day, right?

So the spark from these endocrine messengers really gets the body moving for short and long periods of time. So how do you make sure your body spark plug system stays in good condition for all your life?

Here are a few tips which really help:

  1. Eat enough protein each day.
  2. Do regular exercise especially early in the morning.
  3. Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates. Note: You might be forgiven for thinking that sugar and refined carbs. give you energy which they do. But they bypass the mechanism of the body’s energy-creating method which is in the cells and is very short-lived and of little use. And seriously upsets things like insulin release etc.
  4. Learn to manage stress. Again stress is vital for emergencies but constant stress the body can’t cope with, and like an engine without oil, it will break down in time.
  5. Consume healthy fats.
  6. Avoid overeating and under eating
  7. Drink green tea. I have switched from caffeine to green tea for the past 8 months and it has really helped me. Try green tea with mint, very pleasant.
  8. Get your spine adjusted regularly as your nervous system also controls much of what your body does so it stands to reason getting your spine adjusted will really help. Come into our clinic if you need help with this.
It has taken me 5 years to understand these concepts so please go through it a few times and let me know if you have any questions.

Yours in Health,

John Keane, Spinologist

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