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How the Liver Works

How the Liver WorksOnce Nutrients, (those substances that promote growth, provide energy and maintain life as it relates to your body) have entered the blood via the mouth, stomach, and intestines, they are taken immediately to the liver. Here they are stored, dismantled or turned into something new. At any one time the liver holds 10% of your body’s blood supply. The liver is made up of thousands of tiny factories which help the body with metabolism (body balance), digestion, vitamin storage, immunity and detoxification.

The liver receives oxygenated blood from the heart to give it energy, and it also receives blood from the intestines which it cleans, stores and processes.

Your liver filters around 1.4 litres of blood each minute of the day and it makes one litre of bile every day which is used to break down fat.

Your liver, unlike other organs, can create new liver cells when it needs them. It is constantly being bombarded by unhealthy toxic chemicals. These chemicals, which include legal medications, can damage the liver but it holds its ground by regenerating itself. It can lose up to 50% of its mass and regrow itself in a matter of weeks.

A great deal of storage goes on in the liver, mainly vitamins, minerals and glycogen (stored form of blood sugar which gets released when the fight/flight response is activated by the body). This storage enables the body to survive without food for days and weeks on end and ensures that any shortfall in dietary nutrients can be corrected.


1) Take green tea, apple cider vinegar, cranberry juice, and lemon water regularly.

2) Exercise daily.

3) Eat avocados; they are high in fiber and lower blood fat levels.

4) Come to our clinic, Get Back Health, this week and get your nervous system aligned. This will increase the health of all your internal organs, especially your liver.

Yours in Health,
John Keane

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